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Launched in 2008, Vaccines in practice provides a broad blend of articles of interest to all those involved in immunisation and vaccinations, in both primary and secondary care.

Supported by a multidisciplinary Editorial Board, the journal offers updates, guidance and practical advice that reflects current thinking in this area of disease prevention.

The current issue is available as a PDF, EPUB for your iPad or smartphone, and Kindle. You can also browse back issues to the left, or search the archive to the right.

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Editor: Peter M English MB ChB FPCert MRCGP MPH MFPHM Consultant in Communicable Disease Control, Surrey and Sussex Health Protection Unit, Health Protection Agency, Leatherhead, UK.

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Vaccines in practice was previously supported by Pfizer Vaccines from 2010 to 2012 and by Wyeth Vaccines from 2008 to 2009.

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The title Vaccines in practice is the property of Hayward Medical Publishing and PMGroup Worldwide Ltd and, together with the content, is bound by copyright. Copyright © 2019 PMGroup Worldwide Ltd. All rights reserved. The information contained on the site may not be reproduced, distributed or published, in whole or in part, in any form without the permission of the publishers. All correspondence should be addressed to:

ISSN 1757-9724 (Print)  ISSN 2045-7782 (Online)